Adjusted Executive Legislative
Approp. Request Approp.
2001-02 2002-03 2002-03 Change
General Fund 7,473,500 7,473,500 7,473,500 0
Special Rev.-Fed. 469,700 539,000 539,000 0
Fiduciary 400,000 26,400,000 400,000 (26,000,000)
Total for
STATE OPERATIONS: 8,343,200 34,412,500 8,412,500 (26,000,000)
General Fund 44,000,000 44,000,000 44,000,000 0
Special Rev.-Fed. 135,000 185,000 185,000 0
Fiduciary 200,000 200,000 200,000 0
Total for
AID TO LOCALITIES: 44,335,000 44,385,000 44,385,000 0
The Legislature concurs with the Executive recommendation for Aid to
Localities appropriations, including an authoriztion to use up to
$250,000 of the General Fund appropriation to strengthen the arts
communities ability to use telecommunication and digital technology.
The reaward of funds by entities such as regional or local arts councils
or county governing bodies to the nonprofit cultural organizations was
also authorized.
Legislative Reductions
The Legislature denies the Executive proposal to create the New York
Institute of Cultural Education (NYICE) which would assume jurisdiction
over the State Museum, the State Library and the State Archives. The
administration of these entities will remain within the State Education
Department (SED).
The Legislature also denies the Executive Fiduciary Fund appropriation
of $26,000,000 for the New York Institute of Cultural Education (NYICE).