2002 Green Book
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                             Adjusted       Executive    Legislative
                              Approp.         Request        Approp.
                              2001-02         2002-03        2002-03      Change
  General Fund             65,284,000      45,620,600      46,820,600    1,200,000 
  Special Rev. Fed.       164,319,400     195,700,000     195,700,000            0 
  Special Rev. Other       83,149,900      94,320,900     115,320,400   20,999,500 
  Fiduciary                 1,392,000       1,400,400       1,400,400            0 
  Internal Service Fund    19,448,200      20,570,800      20,570,800            0 
  Total for Agency:       333,593,500     357,612,700     379,812,200   22,199,500 
  Total Contingency:       10,383,000       9,310,000       9,310,000            0 
  Total for 
    STATE OPERATIONS:     343,976,500     366,922,700     389,122,200   22,199,500 

  General Fund         13,595,330,300  13,462,700,600  13,707,146,400  244,445,800 
  Special Rev. Fed.     2,446,368,000   3,094,795,000   3,094,795,000            0 
  Special Rev. Other    4,217,650,000   4,640,556,000   4,573,256,000  (67,300,000)
  Total for Agency:    20,259,348,300  21,198,051,600  21,375,197,400  177,145,800 
  Total Grants In Aid:              0               0      15,122,499   15,122,499 
  Total for 
    AID TO LOCALITIES: 20,259,348,300  21,198,051,600  21,390,319,899  192,268,299 

  Capital Projects Fund     2,500,000       9,765,000     149,765,000  140,000,000 
  Total for 
    CAPITAL PROJECTS:       2,500,000       9,765,000     149,765,000  140,000,000 


The Legislature provides an overall All Funds agency total of $21.9 billion for the 
State Education Department (SED). This represents an All Funds increase of  6.36 
percent over the 2001 02 State Fiscal Year (SFY) appropriation.  This includes an 
increase in State support to education of $440 million or 3.1 percent.  This 
reflects an increase of $405 million in State Aid to education over the Executive 
budget proposal for School Year 2002-03.  In addition, the Legislature provides 
for the following changes from the Executive's proposed 2002 03 budget for the 
State Education Department:

Office of Management Services Program

The Legislature concurs with the Executive recommendation for SFY 2002 03.

Elementary, Middle, Secondary and Continuing Education Program

The Legislature concurs with the Executive recommendation for the State Operations 
budget for the Elementary, Middle, Secondary and Continuing Education Program.  

Legislative Changes

The following changes are made to the Executive's proposed 2002 03 budget:

State Aid to Education

The 2002 03 school aid package increases General Support for Public Schools by 
$410 million or 2.9 percent.  This includes a $420 million increase (3%) in 
computerized formula aids.  The overall increase in flexible, unrestricted aid 
is $225 million.  The Legislature denies rejected the Executive's Flex Aid 
proposal which would have combined 13 aid formulas into one block grant for 
schools.  The Legislature combines several aid formulas into one Comprehensive 
Operating Aid and maintains separate formulas for the following aid categories: 
Extraordinary Needs Aid, Limited English Proficiency Aid, Gifted and Talented 
Aid, Minor Maintenance, Operating Standards Aid, Educationally Related Support 
Services Aid, BOCES, Computer Administration Aid, Career Education Aid, Public 
Excess Cost Aid, and Private Excess Cost Aid.  The following represents the 
major components of the school aid package.

Comprehensive Operating Aid

Increases by $59.4 million over 2001-02 levels to total $6.87 billion for the 
2002-03 school year.  Operating aid, tax effort, tax equalization aid and the 
transition adjustment are consolidated into a new Comprehensive Operating Aid. 
A one percent increase is provided for school districts which are below average 

Operating Standards Aid

Increases by $74.6 million over 2001-02 levels to total $212.2 million.  
Operating Standards aid is enhanced for all school districts, with a majority 
of these increases focused on high need districts.  These enhancements are 
provided by increasing the aid for school districts which have more than 85 
percent of their children identified as extraordinary needs pupils, which 
reflect pupils eligible for free and reduced price lunch and those who are 
limited English proficient.  Furthermore, a new tier is added to Operating 
Standards Aid which provides additional aid for low  wealth school districts. 
Additional enhancements are made for school districts which are sparsely 

Extraordinary Needs Aid

Increases by $74.6 million over 2001-02 levels to total $718.8 million.   
Extraordinary Needs Aid is funded at present law levels.


Increases by $55.6 million or 12% over 2001-02 levels to total $510.9 
million. BOCES aid is restored as a separate formula and fully funded at 
present law levels for the 2002 03 school year. 

Public Excess Cost Aid

Increases by $221.7 million or 12% over 2001-02 levels to total $2.075 
billion.  This includes payments of $51 million in aid to school districts 
which integrate disabled children into general education settings.  School 
districts are provided with a save harmless on public excess cost aid of 95 
percent of the prior year funding level.

Private Excess Cost Aid  

Increases by $27 million or 18 percent over 2001-02 levels to total $172.7 
million.  This increase is generated by restoring Private Excess Cost Aid to 
present law.

Building Aid  

For School Year 2002-03, $1.221 billion is provided.   The Legislature 
modified the Governor's proposal to provide for an assumed amortization 
payment period for hard dollar expenditures on capital programs.  The enacted 
program provides for the State to bond on behalf of school districts for  
hard dollar expenditures made in 2001 02.  As a result, school districts will 
receive the full aid payment which they expect in the upcoming school year.  
Beginning with expenses incurred in 2002 03 (and therefore aidable in 2003 04), 
hard dollar capital expenses will be aided on  an assumed amortization schedule 
based upon the useful life of the project.  Exceptions to this schedule include 
projects of less than $100,000, projects from small city school districts that 
are approaching their debt cap, and emergency projects.  The Legislature denies 
the Executive recommendation to use the current year building aid ratio for 
projects approved by the voters after July 1, 2002.

Special Services Aid for Occupational and Computer Administration  

For School Year 2002-03, $128.4 million is provided. For the five large city 
school districts, this represents funding at present law levels.

Special Services Aid for Non Components of BOCES  

For School Year 2002-03, $6 million is provided for six school districts which 
are not components of BOCES.  These changes provide the affected districts with 
special services aid for both occupational education and computer administration 
expenses which they incurred on behalf of their students in School Year 2001-02. 

Summer School Aid   

Increases by $5.8 million or 15.5 percent over 2001-02 levels to total $43.2 
million.  Summer school is funded at present law levels.

Growth Aid  

For School Year 2002-03, $30.2 million is provided.  Growth Aid is funded at 
present law levels.

Transportation Aid  

Increases by $79.0 million or 8.5 percent over 2001-02 levels to total $1.008 
billion.  Transportation aid is funded at present law levels. In addition, $5 
million is continued for summer school transportation aid.

Instructional Materials Aid (Hardware, Software, Library and Textbook Aids)  

These aid categories are increased by $5 million and continued with 2001 
2002 aid ceiling levels and pupil counts which are updated to reflect the most 
recent data.  

Reorganization Building and Reorganization Operating Aid

The reorganization aids are funded at present law levels of $32.5 million.  
The Executive recommendation to limit reorganization building aid to projects 
approved by voters within five years after the reorganization is denied.

Tax Limitation Aid

For School Year 2002-03, $25 million is provided.  Tax Limitation Aid is 
funded at present law levels.

Educationally Related Support Services Aid (ERSSA)  

For School Year 2002-03, $73.5 million is provided.  ERSSA is funded at 
present law levels.

Gifted and Talented Aid  

For School Year 2002-03, $15.4 million is provided.  Gifted and Talented aid is 
provided at present law levels.

Limited English Proficiency Aid (LEP)  

For School Year 2002-03, $68.9 million is provided.  LEP is funded at present 
law levels.

Academic Services Aid

The Academic Support Aid is established at $25 million.  These funds will be 
used to increase academic outcomes for the five large city school districts.  
Funding levels are: New York City $12.82 million, Yonkers $5.7 million, Buffalo 
$2.1 million, Rochester $2.02 million and Syracuse $2.28 million.

LADDER Programs

Universal Prekindergarten  

For School Year 2002-03, the Universal Pre-kindergarten program is funded at 
$205 million.  

K-3 Class Size Reduction Program  

For School Year 2002-03, the K-3 Class Size Reduction Program is funded at 
$140 million which maintains the State's commitment to reduce class sizes.

Minor Maintenance and Repair Aid

Minor Maintenance Aid is removed from Flex Aid and funded at $50 million.

Full Day Kindergarten

Full Day Kindergarten is funded at $16 million, reflecting an increase of 
$11 million.   Included in this amount is aid which school districts should 
have received in the current 2001 02 school year.

Extended Day/School Violence Prevention

The Legislature concurs with the Executive appropriation of $30.2 million.

Teaching Programs  

Teacher Support Aid

Teacher Support Aid is fully restored to 2001 02 levels for a total funding 
level of $67.48 million.

Teacher Centers  

Teacher Center funding is fully restored and $1 million is added to the 
program to total $31 million for the 2002 03 school year.

Teacher Mentor/Intern Program  

The Teacher Mentor/Intern program is fully restored and $1 million is added 
to the program to total $6 million for the 2002-03 school year. 

New York City Peer Intervention Program

A $1 million appropriation is made for this program.

Albert Shanker National Board of Professional Teaching Standards Certification 

A $500,000 appropriation is provided for this program.

Other Education Programs 

Prior Year Aid Claims (PYA)

The five large city school districts are authorized to accelerate the payment 
of their approved prior year aid claims through the utilization of bonding 
through the Municipal Bond Bank Agency (MBBA).  New York City is eligible to 
bond up to $435 million, Buffalo, $4.7 million, Rochester, $5.1 million, 
Syracuse, $800,000 and Yonkers $300,000. The Legislature expands access to 
the MBBA to districts with prior year claims in excess of $1 million.  
These school districts can opt to access financing which will be provided 
through the Municipal Bond Bank Agency for the acceleration of their prior 
year claims.  These districts include Niagara Falls, Utica, Amsterdam, 
Schenectady, Watertown, Troy, Albany, Fulton, Shenendehowa, Mount Vernon, 
Ballston Spa, Whitney Point, Delhi, and Commack.
Salary Enhancements for 853 Schools

The Legislature provides $2 million in salary enhancements for teachers in 
853 schools and special act school districts.

Summer School Special Education (4410) 

The Legislature concurs with the Executive recommendation which provides 
$173.7 million for Summer School programs for disabled students at the 
same level provided in SFY 2001 02.

Bilingual Education

Grants for Bilingual Educators are continued at $11.2 million.

Preschool Special Education (4408)

The Legislature concurs with the Executive recommendation to maintain 
funding for Preschool Special Education at $552.2 million.

Nonpublic School Aid

The Legislature concurs with the Executive recommendation to provide an 
additional $4.6 million for nonpublic school aid in the 2002 03 school 
year.   The total program funding is now $70 million.  In addition, an 
appropriation of $1 million is provided for Academic Intervention 
Services for non public schools.

Charter School Stimulus Funding

The Legislature concurs with the Executive recommendation to provide $6 
million in spending for Charter School Stimulus funds.  An additional 
$2.15 million is provided for the Charter School Institute of the State 
University of New York for 2001 02 technical support services.

Higher Education/Office of the Professions

The Legislature denies the Governor's proposal to sweep funds from the 
Office of the Professions.  Additionally, General Fund support for 
academic reviews of college and university programs is restored 
(+$1.2 million).  The Legislature provides additional funding beyond the 
Executive proposal for STEP/CSTEP program (+$2.5 million), and for the 
Higher Educational Opportunity Program (+$5.6 million).  In addition, the 
Legislature provides an additional $100,000 to support training of 
Interpreters for the Deaf at the Rochester Institute of Technology. 

Cultural Education Program

The Legislature rejects the Executive recommendation to transfer the 
Cultural Education Program from the State Education Department to the 
proposed New York Institute for Cultural Education.  The Legislature 
concurs with the SFY 2002 03 Executive Budget recommendation to create a 
dedicated revenue stream to fund the responsibilities and activities of 
the Cultural Education Program which include the State Museum, Library 
and Archives.  The surcharge placed on filing documents with a county 
clerk is increased from $5 to $20.  This will generate approximately $21 
million in revenue for State Fiscal Year 2002-03 for the Cultural 
Education Program.  A portion of the revenue will be earmarked for county 
clerks, providing an increase from twenty five cents to one dollar.

Vocational and Educational Services For Individuals With Disabilities 
Program (VESID)   

The Legislature provides $2 million in additional Case Services funds to 
avoid an order of selection process.  In addition, the Legislature 
provides a $1.2 million increase for Independent Living Centers.

Capital Projects

The Legislature concurs with the Executive to provide an additional $7.26 
million for capital projects within SED.  This includes $1.69 million for 
rehabilitation projects within the Education Department facilities, an 
additional $1.7 million for the School for the Blind, $175,000 for the 
School for the Deaf, $5.25 million for the Cultural Education Center, 
and a reduction of $1.6 million for the administration capital fund.

Article VII

The Legislature denies the Executive proposal to transfer the Cultural 
Education program to the New York Institute for Cultural Education.  
The dedicated revenue source is accepted with an additional seventy five 
cents to be distributed to the county clerks.

The Legislature denies the Executive recommendation to use the current 
year building aid ratio for projects approved by the voters after July 
1, 2002.  In addition, the Legislature denies the Executive proposal 
to apply the new assumed amortization rules to the State funded portion 
of capital outlay projects for the 2002 03 State Fiscal Year.  In 2003 
04, hard dollar capital projects will be subject to an assumed 
amortization schedule, with exceptions.

The Legislature denies the Executive proposal to allow school districts 
access to the Dormitory Authority (DA) expertise in design and 
construction management.  Also, the Legislature denies the Executive 
proposal to provide a Wicks Law exemption for all school districts.

The Legislature concurs with the Executive recommendation to allow 
the five large city school districts to accelerate the payment of their 
approved prior year aid claims through the utilization of the Municipal 
Bond Bank.  In addition, those school districts where the prior year 
claims are in excess of $1 million are also authorized to utilize the 
The Legislature denies the Executive proposal to require school districts 
to include PILOT payments from electric generating facilities in the district 
tax base.

The Legislature denies the Executive proposal eliminating reimbursed legal 
costs associated with pre school special education proceedings where a district 
loses its appeal beyond a State Review Officers decision.
The Legislature denies the Executive proposal to extend through June 30, 
2005 a moratorium on the approval of any new or expanded programs in 
setting which include only preschool children with disabilities. This 
section is extended only through June 30, 2003.

The Legislature maintains the current STAR payment schedule.

The Legislature provides an additional $50 million Chapter One advance 
for the New York City School District.

The Commissioner is directed to undertake review of all district 
applications, plans and reports for the purpose of streamlining.  A report 
will be sent to the Executive, Senate and Assembly.

Legislative Additions

The Legislature provides funding for the following:

	CAPITAL OUTLAY TRANSITION GRANTS.                   $140,000,000
	CULTURAL EDUCATION ACCOUNT.                          $26,000,000
	AID FOR CERTAIN SCHOOL DISTRICTS.                     $9,587,300
	AID FOR CERTAIN SCHOOL DISTRICTS.                     $7,889,300
	FISCAL STABILIZATION GRANTS.                          $7,763,200
	HIGHER ED   OPPORTUNITY PROGRAM (HEOP).               $5,600,000
	TEACHER CENTER RESTORATION.                           $5,000,000
	VARIOUS EDUCATIONAL PROJECTS.                         $4,000,000
	HIGHER ED   STEP/CSTEP.                               $2,500,000
	CHARTER SCHOOL INSTITUTE.                             $2,150,000
	VESID   CASE SERVICES.                                $2,000,000
	HIGHER EDUCATION RESTORATION.                         $1,200,000
	VESID INDEPENDENT LIVING CENTERS.                     $1,200,000
	DENTAL CLINICS.                                       $1,050,000
	MENTOR INTERN TEACHER PROGRAM.                        $1,000,000
	NEW YORK CITY PEER INTERVENTION.                      $1,000,000
	TEACHER CENTERS.                                        $700,000
	CONSORTIUM FOR WORKER EDUCATION.                        $455,000
	METROPOLITAN ATHLETICS CONGRESS, INC..                  $200,000
	WORKPLACE LITERACY.                                     $200,000
	UNIVERSITY/INDUSTRY ENDOWED CHAIRS.                     $175,000
	COUNCIL FOR UNITY.                                      $150,000
	MAGNET SCHOOL AID.                                      $148,000
	TAKE THE FIELD, INC..                                   $100,000
	INTERPRETERS FOR THE DEAF.                              $100,000
	BARRAN ASSESSMENT & COUNSELING CENTER.                  $100,000
	HOLOCAUST MUSEUM.                                        $80,000
	EDUCATIONAL TELEVISION AND RADIO.                        $75,000
	NYU   PROGRAM IN WOMEN'S CANCER (PWC).                   $75,000
	SCHOMBERG CENTER.                                        $75,000
	DAVID N. DINKINS CENTER.                                 $75,000
	CARIBBEAN CULTURAL CENTER.                               $75,000
	ELLA BAKER ACADEMY.                                      $60,000
             LEARNING PROJECT.                                   $40,000
             TO HEALTH.                                          $30,000
	HENRY VISCARDI SCHOOL.                                   $25,000
	LANGSTON HUGHES COMMUNITY LIBRARY.                       $25,000
	PRIMARY MENTAL HEALTH PROJECT.                           $25,000
	PARENTS INFORMATION NETWORK.                             $15,000
	ST. FRANCIS COLLEGE.                                     $12,000
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