2002 Green Book
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                             Adjusted     Executive      Legislative
                              Approp.       Request        Approp.  
                              2001-02       2002-03        2002-03           Change
  General Fund          1,215,915,200   1,223,279,000   1,211,999,000  (11,280,000)
  Special Rev. Fed.       148,650,000     162,975,000     163,165,000      190,000 
  Special Rev. Other    2,426,415,000   2,747,281,000   2,766,581,000   19,300,000 
  Fiduciary                57,800,000      57,800,000      57,800,000            0 
  Internal Service Fund     6,000,000       7,500,000       7,500,000            0 
  Total for 
    STATE OPERATIONS:   3,854,780,200   4,198,835,000   4,207,045,000    8,210,000 

  General Fund            331,985,000     342,318,000     347,868,000    5,550,000 
  Total for Agency:       331,985,000     342,318,000     347,868,000    5,550,000 
  Total Grants In Aid:              0               0       2,384,762    2,384,762 
  Total for 
    AID TO LOCALITIES:    331,985,000     342,318,000     350,252,762    7,934,762 

  Capital Projects Fund   185,000,000     155,000,000     155,000,000            0 
  Total for 
    CAPITAL PROJECTS:     185,000,000     155,000,000     155,000,000            0 


The Legislature provides a total of $14,980,000 in additional Academic Year funding 
to the State University of New York (SUNY).  Additional Academic Year funding of 
$7,400,000 for Community College base aid will support a base aid level of 
$2,300.  This reflects an increase of $50 per full-time equivalent student. 

The Legislature provides $2,420,000 in Academic Year funding for faculty lines at 
the university colleges of technology and $1,960,000 for the operation of child 
care centers in order to serve student-parents and their children.  The child care 
centers funding is provided through the federal Temporary Assistance to Needy 
Families (TANF) Block Grant.  The Legislature also provides an additional 
$2,700,000 for the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) and $500,000 for the 
newly established Maritime Appointments Program.

The Legislature provides an additional $16,900,000 for the General Revenue Offset 
Account to support student financial aid activities at SUNY state-operated 
campuses.  Finally, the Legislature provides an additional $190,000 to reflect 
additional federal support for student financial aid programs; and provides an 
increase of $2,400,000 for the Long Island Veterans Home to better reflect 
anticipated revenues for State Fiscal Year 2002-03.

Legislative Reductions

The Legislature provides for an additional $16,900,000 for the General Revenue 
Offset Account to support student financial aid activities at SUNY state-operated 
campuses.  Accordingly, a commensurate General Fund reduction was provided for 
within the SUNY operating budget.

Article VII

The Legislature creates a SUNY Maritime Appointments Program.  Under this 
Program, State elected officials can nominate students for placement in SUNY 
Maritime's regimental system of cadet training.  Students nominated by the 
Governor or elected members of the Legislature and admitted under the College's 
admission policy, will be entitled to receive a scholarship for the full amount 
of tuition, $3,400, during his or her four year program at SUNY Maritime.
The Legislature denies the Executive proposal to provide procurement 
exemptions, employee flexibility and authorization for the creation of a local 
board of directors at each SUNY Health Science Center. 

The Legislature provides for the transfer of $16,900,000 from the miscellaneous 
special revenue fund (339) insurance premium payment account (85) to the State 
University General Revenue Offset Account to support student financial aid 
activities at SUNY state-operated campuses.

The Legislature provides for the transfer of $12,000,000 from the Dormitory 
Authority of the State of New York to the State University Hospital Income 
Reimbursable Account for costs attributable to the State agency status of the 
SUNY Health Science Centers.

Legislative Additions

The Legislature provides funding for the following:

   SUNY FULL TIME FACULTY INITIATIVE.                   $2,420,000
   MARITIME COLLEGE   APPOINTMENT PROGRAM.                $500,000
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