2002 Green Book
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                                  Adjusted   Executive  Legislative
                                   Approp.     Request     Approp.  
                                   2001-02     2002-03     2002-03   Change
STATE OPERATIONS                                                                
  General Fund          273,354,159  266,503,459     266,503,459              0 
  Special Rev. Fed.      30,000,000   30,000,000   5,785,700,000  5,755,700,000 
  Special Rev. Other      5,878,200   45,479,000      27,279,000   (18,200,000)
  Emergency             562,500,000  250,000,000     120,000,000  (130,000,000)
  Total for  
    STATE OPERATIONS:   871,732,359  591,982,459   6,199,482,459  5,607,500,000 

General Fund                                                                    
  Cash Management 
    Improvement Act      15,000,000   15,000,000      15,000,000              0 
  Collective Bargaining     
    Agreements           37,541,600   38,222,300      38,222,300              0 
  Deferred Compensation 
    Board                   154,000      154,000         154,000              0 
  Governmental Accounting     
    Standard Boards       2,500,000            0               0              0 
  Green Thumb             2,394,000    2,394,000       2,394,000              0 
  Higher Education          568,000      568,000         568,000              0 
  Hudson River Valley 
    Greenway Communities 
    Council                 339,400      371,000         371,000              0 
  Legislature           206,735,159  206,735,159     206,735,159              0 
  National and 
    Community Service       332,000      332,000         332,000              0 
  Northeastern Queens 
    Nature and Historic 
    Preservation Comm.       87,000       92,000          92,000              0 
  Petroleum Storage 
    Tanks COPs Repayment  3,800,000    2,085,000       2,085,000              0 
  Special Pay Bill        3,673,000            0               0              0 
  Task Force on Election     
    Modernization                 0      300,000         300,000              0 
  The Greenway Heritage     
    Conservancy of the 
    Hudson River Valley     230,000      250,000         250,000              0 

  Special Rev. Fed. 
    National and 
    Community Service    30,000,000   30,000,000      30,000,000              0 
  World Trade Center 
    Crime Victims Benefits        0            0      68,100,000     68,100,000 
  World Trade Center       
    Department of Labor           0            0      36,600,000     36,600,000 
  World Trade Center       
    Department of 
    Mental Hygiene                0            0      60,000,000     60,000,000 
  World Trade Center       
    Department of 
    Transportation                0            0     342,000,000    342,000,000 
  World Trade Center 
    Division of Military 
    and Naval Affairs             0            0   5,050,000,000  5,050,000,000 
  World Trade Center       
    Statewide Wireless Network    0            0      24,000,000     24,000,000 
  World Trade Center Worker's     
    Compensation Board            0            0     175,000,000    175,000,000 

Special Rev. Other                                                              
  Cash Management 
    Improvement Act               0    9,000,000       9,000,000              0 
  Collective Bargaining     
    Agreements              250,000      250,000         250,000              0 
  Deferred Compensation 
    Board                   520,200      562,000         562,000              0 
  Financial Control Board 
    for the City of 
    New York              3,008,000    3,008,000       3,008,000              0 
  Homeland Security               0            0       3,000,000      3,000,000 
  Legislature             2,100,000    2,100,000       2,100,000              0 
  Statewide Energy 
    Improvement                   0    2,500,000       2,500,000              0 
  Statewide Gaming                0   21,200,000               0   (21,200,000)
  Statewide Wireless 
    Network                       0    6,859,000       6,859,000              0 

Emergency Homeland 
  Security               33,000,000  200,000,000      70,000,000  (130,000,000)
  Special Emergency     
    Appropriations       29,500,000   50,000,000      50,000,000              0 
  World Trade Center    500,000,000            0               0              0 

World Trade Center

The Legislature provides $68,100,000 in additional aid to the Crime Victims Board.

The Legislature provides $36,600,000 in additional aid to the Department of Labor.

The Legislature provides $60,000,000 in additional aid to the Department of Mental 

The Legislature provides $5,050,000,000 in additional aid to the Division of Military 
and Naval Affairs.

The Legislature provides $342,000,000 in additional aid to the Department of 

The Legislature provides $24,000,000 for the implementation of the Statewide Wireless 

The Legislature provides $175,000,000 in additional aid for the Worker's Compensation 

Homeland Security

The Legislature appropriates $3,000,000 to the Port Authority of New York and New 
Jersey for security measures taken at LaGuardia Airport.

Statewide Gaming

The Legislature denies the Executive request for a new miscellaneous statewide gaming 
appropriation and allocates the  appropriation to the Division of the Lottery 
($17,200,000); State Racing and Waging Board ($1,300,000), and the Division of State 
Police ($2,700,000).

Emergency Homeland Security

The Legislature denies the Executive's proposed $200,000,000 lump sum appropriation for 
Homeland Security initiatives because it delineates the uses of all funds related to 
Homeland Security to specific agencies.  Therefore, the Legislature provides a total of 
$70,000,000 in additional aid to the Division of State Police, Department of Correctional 
Services, Division of Military and Naval Affairs, Office for Technology, Department of 
Health, Office of Public Security, Office of General Services, Department of State, 
Office of Parks Recreation and Historic Preservation and the State Emergency Management 

AID TO LOCALITIES                                                               
  General Fund       1,803,978,002   1,124,108,002     1,129,608,002      5,500,000 
    Rev. Fed.                    0               0        50,000,000     50,000,000 
    Rev. Other         200,000,000               0                 0              0 
  Total for 
    MISCELLANEOUS:   2,003,978,002   1,124,108,002     1,179,608,002     55,500,000 
  Total grants 
    in aid:                      0               0        13,375,000     13,375,000 
  Total for AID 
    TO LOCALITIES:   2,003,978,002   1,124,108,002     1,192,983,002     68,875,000 

General Fund                                                                    
  Aid To Counties       17,000,000      22,000,000        22,000,000              0 
  Cigarette Tax 
    Enforcement                  0               0         5,500,000      5,500,000 
  Emergency Financial 
    Aid to 
    Certain Cities      26,474,000      26,474,000        26,474,000              0 
  Emergency Financial     
    Assistance to Eligible     
    Municipalities      20,814,000      20,814,000        20,814,000              0 
  Emergency Highway 
    Construction and 
    Reconstruction     301,000,000               0                 0              0  
  Emergency Highway     
    Reconditioning and     
    Preservation       233,600,000               0                 0              0 
  General Purpose Local     
    Government Aid     781,322,000     781,322,000       781,322,000              0 
  Higher Education               0               0         3,645,000      3,645,000 
  Hudson River Valley 
    Greenway Communities 
    Council                204,000         204,000           204,000              0 
  Misc Financial 
    Assistance           5,130,000         420,000           420,000              0 
  Nassau County Interim 
    Finance Authority   25,000,000      20,000,000        20,000,000              0 
  North Country 
    Development Authority        0               0         1,430,000      1,430,000 
  Services, Expenses 
    or Grants                    0               0         4,000,000      4,000,000 
    Municipal Aid      189,034,002     182,874,002       182,874,002              0 
  Various State Department 
    and Agency Projects          0               0         4,300,000      4,300,000 
  Yonkers EIP I and 
    II Court Order     134,400,000               0                 0              0 
  Yonkers Settlement    70,000,000      70,000,000        70,000,000              0 

Special Rev. Fed.                                                               
  Homeland Security              0               0        50,000,000     50,000,000 

Special Rev. Other                                                              
  Community Service 
    Provider Assistance 
    Program            200,000,000               0                 0              0 

Cigarette Tax Enforcement

The Legislature provides $5,500,000 for cigarette tax enforcement activities. 

Higher Education

The Legislature provides an additional $3,645,000 for various higher education 

Homeland Security

The Legislature appropriates $50,000,000 in additional aid for security measures 
taken to prevent, deter or respond to acts of domestic terrorism.

CAPITAL PROJECTS                                                                
  Emergency                       0               0       26,300,000    26,300,000 
  Total for 
    CAPITAL PROJECTS:             0               0       26,300,000    26,300,000 

Public Safety 2000 
    Alternatives Facilities   
    Capital Projects Fund              
    General Fund                                                                    
     Homeland Security            0               0       26,300,000    26,300,000 

Homeland Security

The Legislature provides $26,300,000 in aid for security enhancements and facility 
upgrades within the State Emergency Management Office, Department of Health , Office 
of General Services and the Division of State Police.

  General Fund        3,065,505,000    3,166,360,000    3,166,360,000               0 
  Fiduciary          24,153,600,000   24,153,700,000   24,153,700,000               0 
  Capital Projects 
    Fund                          0                0    1,200,000,000   1,200,000,000 
  Total for 
    CONTINGENCY:     27,219,105,000   27,320,060,000   28,520,060,000   1,200,000,000 

General Fund                                                                    
  Aggregate Trust 
    Fund                220,000,000      220,000,000      220,000,000               0 
  Health Insurance 
    Contingency Reserve 333,800,000      380,505,000      380,505,000               0 
  Miscellaneous Guarantee     
    Appropriations      972,505,000    1,030,855,000    1,030,855,000               0 
    Insurance Security 
    Fund                 90,000,000       90,000,000       90,000,000               0 
  Reserve for Federal 
    Audit Disallowance   50,000,000       50,000,000       50,000,000               0 
  State Insurance 
    Fund              1,295,000,000    1,295,000,000    1,295,000,000               0 
  Stock Workmen's 
    Compensation Security 
    Fund                 67,000,000       67,000,000       67,000,000               0 
  Worker's Compensation 
    Reserve              37,200,000       33,000,000       33,000,000               0 

  Health Insurance Reserve     
    Receipts Fund        78,300,000       78,400,000       78,400,000               0 
  Municipal Assistance 
    State Aid Fund      563,300,000      563,300,000      563,300,000               0 
  Municipal Assistance 
    Tax Fund         13,512,000,000   13,512,000,000   13,512,000,000               0 
  Stock Transfer 
    Tax Fund         10,000,000,000   10,000,000,000   10,000,000,000               0 

Capital Projects Fund                                                           
  Statewide Capital Priority     
    Initiatives                   0                0    1,200,000,000   1,200,000,000 

Statewide Capital Priority Initiatives

The Legislature provides appropriations totaling $1.2 billion to support various capital 
programs including the Centers of Excellence ($250,000,000) and Empire Opportunity Fund 
($270,000,000), Gen*NY*sis Centers of Excellence, Transportation Capital Projects and 
Community Capital Assistance Program ($340,000,000) and the Rebuilding the Empire State 
Through Opportunities in Regional Economies (RESTORE) Program, Transportation Capital 
Projects and Community Capital Assistance Program ($340,000,000).

Though $1.2 billion in new capital appropriations are authorized in the State Fiscal Year 
(SFY) 2002-03 adopted budget, there is $600,000,000 available for distribution in the 
current year.  An additional $300,000,000 is contingent on the commencement of Class III 
gaming at the first Indian gaming facility in New York State and another $300,000,000 will 
be available upon the opening of a second Class III gaming facility in New York State.

Article VII Appropriation Language

The SFY 2002-03 adopted budget creates a $1.2 billion capital program to expand businesses 
and create new jobs in New York State.  The capital funding will help construct new 
research facilities, incubators, accelerators, bioscience and high technology parks, 
purchase equipment, build roads and bridges, expand low income housing and improve 
educational and cultural facilities in New York State.  Components of this capital program 
include $250,000,000 for the Centers of Excellence and $270,000,000 for the Governor's 
Empire Opportunity Program, $340,000,000 for the Gen*NY*sis Centers of Excellence, 
Transportation Capital Projects and the Community Capital Assistance Program and 
$340,000,000 for the RESTORE Program, Transportation Capital Projects and the Community 
Capital Assistance Program.

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