2001 Yellow Book
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                                 Adjusted    Executive                       
                            Appropriation      Request                Percent 
                                  2000-01      2001-02     Change      Change 

  Special Rev.-Other           14,300,900   13,664,000   (636,900)     -4.45%
  Total for AGENCY SUMMARY:    14,300,900   13,664,000   (636,900)     -4.45%

  Special Rev.-Other           14,300,900   13,664,000   (636,900)     -4.45%
  Total for STATE OPERATIONS:  14,300,900   13,664,000   (636,900)     -4.45%

  Special Rev.-Other            3,466,105    3,200,000   (266,105)     -7.68%
  Total for Program:            3,466,105    3,200,000   (266,105)     -7.68%

Licensing and Wholesaler Services
  Special Rev.-Other            5,229,002   4,782,000    (447,002)     -8.55%
  Total for Program:            5,229,002   4,782,000    (447,002)     -8.55%

  Special Rev.-Other            5,605,793   5,682,000      76,207       1.36%
  Total for Program:            5,605,793   5,682,000      76,207       1.36%


                         ALL FUNDS PERSONNEL
                        BUDGETED FILL LEVELS
                            Current  Requested
Program                     2000-01    2001-02    Change
Administration                   27         26       (1)
Licensing and Wholesaler   
  Services                       96         87       (9)
Compliance                       85         83       (2)
Total All Other Funds :         208        196      (12)

TOTAL:                          208        196      (12)

                          BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS
                   (Executive Budget: pp. 293-294)

The Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) regulates and controls the 
manufacture, sale and distribution of alcoholic beverages within the State.  
The Division also issues and renews licenses and permits to manufacturers,
distributors, wholesalers and retailers and works with local law enforcement
agencies to ensure compliance with ABC law.

This agency is included in the Public Protection and General Government 
appropriation bill.

State Operations

The Executive's proposed budget for SFY 20001-02 includes Special Revenue 
Fund-Other appropriations of $13,664,000, a decrease of $636,900 from SFY 
2000-01.  This decrease is the net effect of the following changes:

--     a $106,000 increase in the Special Revenue Fund-Other appropriation 
       reflecting salary adjustments and other costs associated with agency
	   operations; and

--     a $742,900 decrease in the Special Revenue Fund-Other appropriation
       reflecting elimination of 12 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) positions, 
	   automation efficiency gains and elimination of surplus space in 
	   New York City.

New York State Assembly
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