2002 Yellow Book
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                                  Adjusted     Executive
                             Appropriation       Request               Percent
                                   2001-02       2002-03        Change  Change

  General Fund                   1,030,000       965,000      (65,000)  -6.31%
  Special Rev.-Fed.                460,000       460,000            0    0.00%
  Fiduciary                         75,000       135,000       60,000   80.00%
  Enterprise                        25,000        25,000            0    0.00%
  Total for AGENCY SUMMARY:      1,590,000     1,585,000       (5,000)  -0.31%

  General Fund                   1,030,000       965,000      (65,000)  -6.31%
  Special Rev.-Fed.                460,000       460,000            0    0.00%
  Fiduciary                         75,000       135,000       60,000   80.00%
  Enterprise                        25,000        25,000            0    0.00%
  Total for STATE OPERATIONS:    1,590,000     1,585,000       (5,000)  -0.31%

Advocate for the Disabled
  General Fund                   1,030,000       965,000      (65,000)  -6.31%
  Special Rev.-Fed.                460,000       460,000            0    0.00%
  Fiduciary                         75,000       135,000       60,000   80.00%
  Enterprise                        25,000        25,000            0    0.00%
  Total for Program:             1,590,000     1,585,000       (5,000)  -0.31%


                         ALL FUNDS PERSONNEL
                        BUDGETED FILL LEVELS
                                   Current     Requested
Program                            2001-02       2002-03   Change
Advocate for the Disabled               17            17        0

Total General Fund :                    12            12        0
Total All Other Funds :                  5             5        0

TOTAL:                                  17            17        0

                          Budget Highlights
                    (Executive Budget: pp. 87-89)

The Office of Advocate for Persons with Disabilities (OAPD) provides
information and referral services to persons with disabilities and
will have a staff of 17 persons during State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2002-
03.  The Office operates a statewide clearinghouse, consisting of a
telephone hotline and a computer website. Together, OAPD and the
Department of Health (DOH) form the Interagency Partnership on
Assistive Technology.  The Partnership coordinates the Federally
funded Technology Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities
(TRAID) Project.  At the 13 regional TRAID centers, individuals with
disabilities are able to gain access to technological devices and
services, and to learn about emerging technology, services and
programs available to them, and their rights under the law.

This agency is included in the Health, Mental Hygiene and
Environmental Conservation appropriation bill.
State Operations

The Executive recommends an All Funds appropriation of $1,585,000, a
net decrease of $5,000, or 0.3 percent.  The net decrease reflects
savings from the elimination of two unfilled positions offset by
negotiated salary increases, inflation and increased federal support.

New York State Assembly
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