April 2011
Vol. 25, #4
on available
state, federal
and private
inside for:
Grants to purchase vehicles to help elderly individuals and individuals with disabilities
Grants to support the Buckle Up New York (BUNY) program
Grants to improve institutions’ ability to preserve and care for their humanities collections
Grants to support projects that will expand our understanding of learning disabilities
and comorbid conditions
Grants to support projects that will preserve historic aspects of neighborhoods and
Grants to support the environment and the arts
Grant writing
Naomi Miller
Grants Action News
New York State Assembly
Alfred E. Smith Building
80 S. Swan St.
Suite 1710
Albany, NY 12248
On the state level...
New York State Department of Transportation
The New York State Department of Transportation is accepting applications
from non-profit organizations that intend on purchasing vehicles that meet the
transportation needs of elderly individuals and individuals with disabilities.
Grants will be awarded based on several factors, including: the ability of the
applicant to operate, maintain and finance a specialized transportation service;
the general mobility limitations and the level of need for this specialized
transportation service in the area; and the actual vehicle usage for transporting
elderly and/or disabled individuals.
Eligibility: Non-profit organizations that serve elderly
individuals and/or individuals with disabilities; public bodies, such as
municipalities and county-level governments that are approved to
coordinate services for the elderly and/or disabled; public bodies that
can certify that no non-profit organizations are available to provide these
services in an area of proposed service.
Funding: A total of $8.2 million is anticipated to be available.
This program will provide 80 percent of vehicle-purchase costs. The program
requires a 20 percent local-share match.
Deadline: Wednesday, May 4, 2011.
Contact: Matthew Haas
NYS Department of Transportation
Public Transportation Bureau
50 Wolf Road, POD 54
Albany, NY 12232
New York State Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee
The New York State Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee (GTSC), through its Buckle
Up New York (BUNY) program, is accepting applications from non-profit organizations,
local governments and state agencies that would like to participate in BUNY’s seatbelt
enforcement activities. GTSC oversees New York State’s highway safety program and
receives funding from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to address
highway-safety related problems. The goal of the program is to prevent motor-vehicle
crashes, save lives and reduce the severity of injuries suffered in crashes on the state’s
roadways. Grants are awarded for one-year periods, based on the availability of federal
funding and the performance of the grantee.
Deadline: Sunday, May 15, 2011.
The New York State Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee
6 Empire State Plaza, Room 414
Albany, NY 12228
On the federal level...
National Endowment for the Humanities
The National Endowment for the Humanities is accepting applications for its
Preservation Assistance Grants, which help small- and mid-sized institutions,
such as: libraries; museums; historical societies; archival repositories; cultural
organizations; town and county records offices; and colleges and universities.
The grants are meant to improve institutions’ ability to preserve and care for their
humanities collections. That may include: special collections of books and journals;
archives and manuscripts; prints and photographs; moving images; sound recordings;
architectural and cartographic records; decorative and fine-art objects; textiles;
archaeological and ethnographic artifacts; furniture; historical objects; and digital
Eligibility: Non-profit organizations; federally recognized Native
American tribal governments; state, county, city or township, and special district
governments; state, public and private institutions of higher education.
Funding: Individual awards are not to exceed $6,000.
Deadline: Tuesday, May 3, 2011.
Funding Opportunity Number: 20110503-PG.
National Endowment for the Humanities
Division of Preservation and Access
1100 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Room 411
Washington, DC 20506
National Institutes of Health
The National Institutes of Health, through its Eunice Kennedy Shriver National
Institute of Child Health and Human Development, is accepting applications for the Learning
Disabilities Research Centers Program. The program will focus on generating new scientific
knowledge to expand our understanding of learning disabilities and comorbid conditions. The
request invites both foundational and translational, transdisciplinary research examining issues
related to etiology, classification and definition, and prevention and remediation of learning
disabilities that impact listening, speaking, reading, writing and mathematics skills with an
emphasis on comorbid conditions. The program encourages richly integrative, multi-method
approaches to examining research topics focusing on learning disabilities that are not feasible
through standard research mechanisms. Applicants should propose inter-disciplinary,
coordinated programs of research that demonstrate cohesion and synergy across research
subprojects and cores.
Eligibility: Non-profit organizations; for-profit organizations other
than small businesses; small businesses; federally recognized Native American tribal
governments; Native American tribal organizations; state, county, city or township,
and special district governments; independent school districts; state, public and
private institutions of higher education.
Funding: An estimated total of up to $7 million is available to
support 4-5 awards.
Deadline: Tuesday, May 3, 2011.
Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-HD-12-202.
Contact: Brett Miller, Ph.D.
National Institutes of Health
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
On the private level...
The Preservation League of New York State
The Preservation League of New York State is accepting applications for its Preserve
New York grant program. The program is committed to supporting projects that advance
the preservation of neighborhoods and downtowns that qualify for the New York State
Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit, preserve architecture and landscapes of the recent past,
and continue the use of historic public buildings. Examples of eligible projects include:
historic structure reports for cultural institutions and public buildings; historic landscape
reports for municipal parks; and cultural resource surveys of downtowns and residential
Eligibility: Non-profit organizations and municipalities.
Funding: A total of $90,444 is available. Grants are likely to
range between $3,000 and $10,000 each.
Deadline: Applications must be postmarked by Monday,
May 2, 2011.
Contact: Erin Tobin (Eastern NY/NYC/Long Island)
518-462-5658, ext. 12
Contact: Tania Werbizky (Central and Western NY)
The Tiffany & Co. Foundation
The Tiffany & Co. Foundation’s mission is to protect the beauty of nature and the creativity
of human nature. The foundation supports two program areas: the environment and the arts.
The environment program supports organizations dedicated to the conservation of natural
resources in the areas of responsible mining, coral reef conservation, urban parks and land
protection. The decorative arts program seeks to enhance the field of design and the
decorative arts – specifically jewelry – through key gallery spaces and exhibitions.
Eligibility: Organizations registered as 501(c)(3) non-profit
organizations in the United States.
Funding: For more information about funding, applicants must
first submit a Letter of Inquiry online at www.tiffanyandcofoundation.org.
Deadline: Letters of Inquiry are accepted on an ongoing basis.
Contact: The Tiffany & Co. Foundation
600 Madison Ave.
New York, NY 10022
Grant writing
The Foundation Center
The Foundation Center has scheduled the following free training classes in
New York City during May 2011:
Grantseeking Basics: May 3, 11, 17
Attendees will learn how the center’s resources can help make them more effective grantseekers.
For beginners, this introduction to the library provides instruction in foundation research and
identification of potential funders. A tour of the library will follow.
Proposal Writing Basics: May 4
Attendees will learn about the basics of writing a proposal for their non-profit organizations.
Introduction to Finding Funders: May 3, 7, 11, 17
This class provides a hands-on introduction on how to use the center’s comprehensive online
database – the Foundation Directory Online – to research and identify potential funders. The
Foundation Directory Online contains over 100,000 profiles of grantmaking institutions.
How to Approach a Foundation: May 18
Attendees will learn how to initiate contact with potential donors, plan calls and meetings, and
build partnerships with sponsors. This class is intended for fundraisers who have some experience
but are not experts.
In addition:
Classes are held at The Foundation Center, located at:
New York Library
79 Fifth Ave. 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10003
Space is limited, so register as soon as possible.
For additional training opportunities, to register, or for more information, call 212-620-4230 or visit
The Grantsmanship Center
The Grantsmanship Training Program is coming to New York City!
The Grantsmanship Training Program offers grant-proposal training to non-profit and
government agencies.
The upcoming class will be conducted by The Grantsmanship Center and is restricted to a
maximum of 30 participants. The cost is $895, which includes a one-year enrollment in The
Grantsmanship Center Alumni Membership Program. A limited number of half-tuition scholarships
are available to agencies with annual budgets of less than $300,000.
For more information, to register, or to apply for a scholarship, contact The Grantsmanship
Center at 800-421-9512, or visit its website at www.tgci.com.
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