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A00531 Summary:

COSPNSRPeoples-Stokes, Lupardo, Abinanti, Ashby, Carroll, Cruz, Dickens, Englebright, Glick, Hevesi, Jean-Pierre, Hunter, Miller M, Paulin, Pichardo, Reyes, Rosenthal L, Simon, Sayegh, Darling, Fernandez, Ramos, Fahy, Bronson, Zinerman, McDonald, Kelles, Burdick, Gallagher, Jackson, Forrest
Amd Pub Health L, generally
Provides that medical marihuana may be used as part of the treatment of a patient's condition and removes the "serious" designation of such condition; provides that a practitioner be authorized to prescribe controlled substances in the state and removes the requirement that a physician prescribe such medical marihuana; increases the supply amount of marihuana from thirty to sixty days; allows a designated caregiver facility or designated caregiver facility employee to possess, acquire, deliver, transfer, transport or administer medical marihuana; requires the commissioner of health to establish a medical marihuana research license; establishes a medical marihuana research program; requires the registration of designated caregiver facilities; authorizes the commissioner of health to approve and permit one or more independent laboratories to test medical marihuana; increases the number of dispensing sites of a registered organization from four to eight; and makes related provisions.
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