Adjusted Executive Legislative
Approp. Request Approp.
2001-02 2002-03 2002-03 Change
General Fund 22,091,000 20,291,000 20,291,000 0
Special Rev.-Other 16,410,000 16,802,400 16,802,400 0
Total for
STATE OPERATIONS: 38,501,000 37,093,400 37,093,400 0
General Fund 18,600,000 20,000,000 15,300,000 (4,700,000)
Total for
AID TO LOCALITIES: 18,600,000 20,000,000 15,300,000 (4,700,000)
The Legislature appropriates $52,393,400 on an All Funds basis, a decrease
of $4,700,000 from the Executive budget submission.
Legislative Reductions
The Legislature reduces General Fund spending by $4,700,000 to reflect
the denial of the Executive's Rail Access Tax Incentive proposal.
Article VII
-- The Legislature approves legislation proposed by the Executive that
would index the senior citizen income eligibility for the "enhanced" STAR
exemption to provide for a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA).
-- The Legislature amends the legislation proposed by the Executive
that would provide an Enhanced STAR income verification program for
seniors, granting seniors the option of authorizing their local assessor
to verify income through the Department of Taxation and Finance.
-- The Legislature enacts legislation that would include Mitchell-Lama
Cooperatives in the STAR program.
-- The Legislature approves legislation proposed by the Executive
that would provide a STAR filing date extension due to hardship.
-- The Legislature approves legislation proposed by the Executive
that would provide various technical amendments to the administration
of the STAR program.
-- The Legislature denies legislation proposed by the Executive that
would provide a Rail Access Tax Incentive program.