2001 Yellow Book
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                                      Adjusted         Executive                       
                                 Appropriation           Request                       Percent 
                                       2000-01           2001-02            Change      Change 

  General Fund                       3,229,000          3,082,000          (147,000)     -4.55%
  Special Rev.-Fed.                  4,147,000          4,894,000           747,000      18.01%
  Special Rev.-Other                 2,857,000          3,067,000           210,000       7.35%
  Enterprise                            20,000             20,000                 0       0.00%
  Total for AGENCY SUMMARY:         10,253,000         11,063,000           810,000       7.90%

  General Fund                       3,134,000          2,987,000           (147,000)     -4.69%
  Special Rev.-Fed.                  4,147,000          4,894,000            747,000      18.01%
  Special Rev.-Other                 2,484,000          2,694,000            210,000       8.45%
  Enterprise                            20,000             20,000                  0       0.00%
  Total for STATE OPERATIONS:        9,785,000         10,595,000            810,000       8.28%

  General Fund                       3,134,000          2,987,000           (147,000)     -4.69%
  Special Rev.-Other                 2,484,000          2,694,000            210,000       8.45%
  Enterprise                            20,000             20,000                  0       0.00%
  Total for Program:                 5,638,000          5,701,000             63,000       1.12%

Protection and Advocacy DD
  Special Rev.-Fed.                  1,569,000          1,546,000            (23,000)     -1.47%
  Total for Program:                 1,569,000          1,546,000            (23,000)     -1.47%

Client Assistance
  Special Rev.-Fed.                    642,000            646,000              4,000       0.62%
  Total for Program:                   642,000            646,000              4,000       0.62%

Technology Related Protection and Advocacy
  Special Rev.-Fed.                     50,000             60,000             10,000      20.00%
  Total for Program:                    50,000             60,000             10,000      20.00%

Protection and Advocacy for the Mentally Ill
  Special Rev.-Fed.                  1,233,000          1,230,000             (3,000)     -0.24%
  Total for Program:                 1,233,000          1,230,000             (3,000)     -0.24%

Protection and Advocacy IR
  Special Rev.-Fed.                    653,000            662,000              9,000       1.38%
  Total for Program:                   653,000            662,000              9,000       1.38%

Ticket to Work
  Special Rev.-Fed.                          0            750,000            750,000        --  
  Total for Program:                         0            750,000            750,000        --  

  General Fund                          95,000             95,000                  0       0.00%
  Special Rev.-Other                   373,000            373,000                  0       0.00%
  Total for AID TO LOCALITIES:         468,000            468,000                  0       0.00%

Surrogate Decision Making
  Special Rev.-Other                   373,000            373,000                  0       0.00%
  Total for Program:                   373,000            373,000                  0       0.00%

Adult Homes
  General Fund                          95,000             95,000                  0       0.00%
  Total for Program:                    95,000             95,000                  0       0.00%


                         ALL FUNDS PERSONNEL
                        BUDGETED FILL LEVELS
                                        Current              Requested
Program                                 2000-01               2001-02            Change
Administration                             69                   69                 0
Protection and Advocacy DD                 11                   11                 0
Client Assistance                           2                    2                 0
Protection and Advocacy for the   
  Mentally Ill                              9                    9                 0
Protection and Advocacy IR                  2                    2                 0

Total General Fund :                       41                   39                (2)
Total All Other Funds :                    52                   54                 2

TOTAL:                                     93                   93                 0

                          BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS
                   (Executive Budget: pp.189-193)

The three-member Commission on Quality of Care for the Mentally Disabled (CQC) 
is an oversight agency independent of the other State mental hygiene agencies.  
The CQC employs a staff of 93 to monitor care of persons served by the
mental hygiene system, as well as to investigate complaints of abuse and reports 
of injuries and deaths of persons who are served within the system.  In 
addition, the CQC administers the Surrogate Decision-Making Committee program
which acts on behalf of persons in the mental hygiene system who are not 
competent to make medical care decisions for themselves.  Expansion of the 
system to the Western New York and Finger Lakes Regions is proposed for State 
Fiscal Year (SFY) 2001-02.  Federal Funds support agency staff and contracts 
with not-for-profit agencies to implement protection and advocacy programs for 
the developmentally disabled, persons with mental illness and those with severe
disabilities.  Commission programs providing protective services are: Technology 
Related Protection and Advocacy, Protection and Advocacy for the Developmentally 
Disabled, Client Assistance, Protection and Advocacy for Persons with Mental 
Illness, and Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights.  The Executive 
proposes adding a new Ticket to Work and Work Incentive Improvement Protection 
and Advocacy Program, to be funded through an anticipated federal grant. As part 
of its oversight function, the Commission also conducts provider audits which 
have generated savings for the mental hygiene system.

This agency is included in the Health, Mental Hygiene and Environmental 
Conservation appropriation bill. 

State Operations

The Executive requests an All Funds appropriation of $11,063,000, an increase of 
$810,000. The change reflects:

  --A net General Fund savings of $147,000 from shifting two full time 
equivalent positions (FTE) to Special Revenue Other support, offset by 
inflationary increases and negotiated salary increases;

  --A net Special Revenue Funds Federal increase of $747,000, due primarily to 
an anticipated grant for the Ticket to Work Program; and

  --A net Special Revenue Funds Other increase of $210,000, reflecting the 
transfer of two FTE positions from General Fund, a collective bargaining 
adjustment and a fringe benefit savings.

Aid to Localities

The Executive recommends no changes to Aid to Localities funds from the State 
Fiscal Year 2000-01 level.

New York State Assembly
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